
Has my order been shipped yet?

As soon as your order is despatched we will send you an email to confirm that it’s on its way. There's no stopping our Mighty Matcha team - They work around the clock so you could receive the email in the day or the night...

Standard free UK postage is usually delivered within 3 working days. International postage takes 5-8 working days. If you upgrade to UK Next Day Guaranteed by 1pm delivery for £5.95, providing your order was received by 4pm your item will be despatched the same day.

If you have not received your delivery within the advertised time scale, please contact us by telephone on 01702 465169 or by email at

I’ve received a damaged item!

Your Mighty Matcha should be in tip top condition when you receive it. If it has been damaged in transit, please contact us immediately and we will assist you. You can contact us by telephone on 01702 465169 or by email at We're lovely people, so please don't hesitate to contact us!