Making Mighty Matcha

Mighty Matcha Tea (Warm)

To make the perfect cup of Mighty Matcha, you will need a good whisk.

  1. Heat water to 85°C /185°F
  2. Add 1/4 teaspoon (1g) of Mighty Matcha into a cup
  3. Add the warm water to the cup, leaving plenty of room to whisk the Mighty Matcha into the water
  4. Whisk vigorously until frothy
  5. Top up the cup with water until full

Top Matcha Tip: Because Mighty Matcha is 100% natural, by the time you get to the end of your beverage, some of the sediment will have sunk to the bottom of the cup. Make sure to give the cup a swirl and shot the final mouthful.*

*Slamming down your cup and demanding more after doing this is strictly optional.

Mighty Matcha Iced Tea

  1. Heat water to 85°C /185°F
  2. Add 1/4 teaspoon (1g) of Mighty Matcha into a cup
  3. Add the warm water to the cup, leaving plenty of room to whisk the Mighty Matcha into the water
  4. Whisk vigorously until frothy
  5. Take a large cup and fill it halfway with ice
  6. Pour the Mighty Matcha over ice and allow to sit for 2 minutes before drinking

As a smoothie

Serves 1

The ingredients required are:

  • ½ teaspoon of Mighty Matcha
  • 1 banana
  • 30g blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 250ml milk
  • 8 ice cubes

Preparation Guidelines

  1. Add the Mighty Matcha into a cup
  2. Add warm water to the Mighty Matcha and whisk together until frothy
  3. Add the Mighty Matcha to the blender along with all the other ingredients except for the ice cubes
  4. Blend together for 30 seconds
  5. Add the ice
  6. Blend again for 30 seconds
  7. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy

As a latte

  1. Measure out ½ teaspoon of Mighty Matcha into a cup
  2. Add ⅓ of a cup of warm water and whisk together vigorously
  3. Measure out ⅔ of a cup of milk and heat the milk up
  4. Pour the milk over the Mighty Matcha and stir together
  5. Want froth on your latte? Try a milk frother or if you don’t have one to hand, whisk the milk vigorously before adding it to the Mighty Matcha and then scoop the froth onto the top of your latte using a spoon

As a topping

Mighty Matcha is perfect for sprinkling onto your morning muesli or porridge. Over the years we’ve become very experimental with Mighty Matcha. However, we wouldn’t suggest using it as a sandwich filler!


Mighty Matcha is very versatile. You can add matcha to energy bars, cookies or cakes.

We highly recommend having a look at Pinterest for lots of exciting matcha recipes.

If you would like to write some recipes, please contact us.